På kino fra 21. mars

feature documentary by director Trond Kvig Andreassen


Project description

In the KYIV SOLOISTS we get to experience the tragedy of war through the eyes of a Ukrainian ensemble. It’s a film about being thrown into the limbo of war - and the power of music.

On February 23rd, 14 og the Ukrainian musicians in KYIV SOLOISTS started a short tour with the orchestra to Italy. Together with their instruments - cellos and violins - they had packed light spring clothes for a couple of weeks outside their native country.On February 24th, they woke up to the news that Russia had invaded their homeland. They all had families at home in Kyiv, and some even young children and infants. Some members immediately went back to Kyiv and their family, while some of those members still in Kyiv brought their children and fled, meeting up with the orchestra on tour.

In the midst of the chaos enveloping, the orchestra decide to expand their tour across Europe to raise awareness of the atrocities in Ukraine. They instantly remove Russian music from their setlist and replace it with Ukrainian songs and write an appeal to be performed at the concerts. They find it hard to keep track of the dates in the bus on the road, going in and out of hotels and concert houses, but they count the days since the war startes. By day 60 they have performed in over 40 venues across all of Europe.

In May they are offered work at Arctic Philharmonic in Bodø, Northern Norway, and a place to stay. But the contract is temporary, and soon they find themselves looking for a steady future again.

Creative team

DOP: Lars Erlend Tubaas Øymo

DOP Kyiv: Viacheslav Tsvietkov

Producer: Karianne Berge, karianne@indiefilm.no, +47 97504300

Co-producer: Tabor Production, Eugene Rachkovsky https://taborproduction.com